Thursday, March 17, 2016

Status: Rafe Feeds After His Injury

*It had been a while since I'd fed properly, especially considering that I'd been wounded while out on patrol. Yeah, I'd fed since Mom healed me, but It was just enough to get me back up and running. I needed to feed properly, so I got dressed and headed out, leaving a note for my mother so that no one would worry.

Driving into town, I parked out by an upscale lounge, not wanting to go to a club or to the Dome to find a donor. I made my way in, paying to have one of the few remaining tables all to myself. I ordered a drink, just to keep up appearances, and watched the crowd. It was after a short while that I saw a female who caught my attention. She was quieter than the crowd she was with, not as exuberant, but seemed to be having fun. I caught her eye, and smiled, making sure my fangs didn't show. I watched her dance to the music, her beautiful body swaying to the soft music.

Eventually, I made my way over to her, asking her to dance with me. We swayed to the music, dancing to a few songs. After buying her a couple of drinks, I led her to one of the back rooms, I kissed her softly, her soft moans music to my ears. I kissed my way across her jaw, and down her neck. When I knew she was ready, my fangs enlongated, and I bit down on her vein. I drank deeply, but not enough to do any harm. Licking the wounds closed, I gently erased her memory of what happened. I made sure she found her way back to her friends, before slipping out of the lounge. I returned home, and went back to my quarters, changing into sweats and heading down to the gym for a hard workout*

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